Even unarchives password-protected archives.High precision level when handling and detecting filename encoding in the archive that it unzips (gibberish file names are a child’s play for this unarchiver utility).Unarchives files in a matter of seconds.It can open all new and old formats such as RAR, Zip, ISO, Tar, 7-zip, Stuffit, LZH, DiskDoubler, and a lot more.And, the best part, it works like a champ on macOS Big Sur as well. It is one of the highest-rated unarchiver applications for Mac that can unarchive almost any file under the sun. The name of the software speaks for itself.

You can even place these presets on the Finder window Additionally, these preset work great with productivity/ automation apps. The already available presets let you handle multiple archived files deftly.Filter unwanted files during archive extraction.Preview files inside the archive before extracting them.Furthermore, it has an integrated password manager and generator Powerful enterprise-level AES 256 encryption.Archive and open more than 30 archive file formats.Easily drag and drop compressed files right into the interface.Actually, there’s a lot more to BetterZip 5 than mere zipping and unzipping.

Looking for an intuitive and powerful archiving and unarchiving utility for Mac, BetterZip 5 can be a great option.